The following is a description of how the maps discussed in the previous post were constructed. This information is provided in the spirit of open access and replicability. The following is a step-by-step guide to building digital elevation models (and their derivatives) from PASDA LiDAR data.
- Download las tiles from PASDA.
- Go to PASDA Imagery Navigator:
- Zoom in on the area of interest.
- Under the Display Tile Index drop down menu, select “Lidar Hillshade”
- This will show you the tile index and the relevant file names
- Place your cursor over a spot of interest and right click.
- This will bring up a list of available data.
- Click on the “LiDAR,, Topo and DEM” tab
- At the right, you will see a listing of “LAS” files for download.
- Select and download all the appropriate files.
- Convert projection and reserve only category “2” points (2= ground return).
- Note that Pennsylvania Data MUST be converted from NAD83 PA S (feet) to NAD83 PA S (meters)
- Open las2las.exe
- In the upper left, find and select all of the files from the above.
- Note that you can use the wildcard (.las, not .laz as is the default)
- Keep only ground points
- Expand the “filter” menu
- Select “keep_classification” under “by classification or return”
- Under “number or value”, enter 2
- Reproject from feet to meters.
- Under “target projection” select
- State plane 83
- PA_S
- Be sure “units” are in meters.
- Under “target projection” select
- In the upper left, find and select all of the files from the above.
Your GUI should look something like this:
- Choose an output location in the upper right.
- Click “Run” (in the lower left; you may have to minimize (click the “-“))
- In the command line, you should see something like:
- las2las -lof file_list.7808.txt -target_sp83 PA_S –olaz
- You should now have reprojected las files that include only the ground return.
- Convert las files into smaller “tiles”
- Open “lastile.exe”
- Add the reprojected las files (actually now they should be laz files) in the upper left.
- Choose a tile size of 1000 (for the above this means 1000 meters)
- Choose a buffer of 25 (you need a buffer and just need to experiment with what works best for you.)
Your GUI should look like this:
- Hit “Run”
- The command line should look something like this:
- lastile -lof file_list.1576.txt -o “tile.laz” -tile_size 1000 -buffer 25 -odir “C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\Working_LiDAR\Repoj_tile_las” –olaz
- Convert tiles into DEM
- Open “BLAST2DEM.exe”
- Add the tiles constructed in previous section
- Choose your output location
- Choose “tif” for file format
Your GUI should look like this:
- Click “RUN”
- Your command line should look like this:
- blast2dem -lof file_list.6620.txt -elevation -odir “C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\Working_LiDAR\DEM_tiles” –otif
- Your DEM’s are now created.
From here, you will want to stitch the DEM’s back together, but you need a GIS program for that. You can use the open source QGIS.
- Open QGIS
- Click on Raster- Miscellaneous- Merge.
- Select the “choose input directory instead of files” box
- Select the destination location and file name.
- Click “OK”-
- I frequently get an error here, but the results appear complete.
At this point, all of your data should be in a single Geotiff file (be sure to save it) as a digital elevation model.
In order to complete the analysis in the previous post, I converted the DEM into a slope model, which shows high slope in lighter gray and low slope in darker gray.
- To do this, all you need to do is, in QGIS, use Raster- Terrain analysis- Slope. The input is your DEM and the output is the new slope model.
- Within QGIS, you should now be able to see maps similar to those shown in the previous post.
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